
Let us only half an ounce to only four loads .

You can buy about $ 30 soap nuts about 2 pounds (32 ounces) . This is a common sense soap nuts users are willing to buy. In traditional use , you will use the . Wash and a half ounce bag , will produce an average load of about 5 . Production is about . $ 30 320 yuan load Louis Vuitton. Personally , I usually will exceed the load , but because some of the techniques I use to extend its service life , and saponin as possible . However, to conservative , let us only half an ounce to only four loads . Note It is worth mentioning : I've seen sellers claim that load , it seems that all the numbers . I also heard claims that use half the amount , I suggest using a . I can not explain . Let us briefly exposed, taking into account the many, many variables , how to use it to wash clothes , add soap nuts quality and variable - leave it. My approach is I am not extreme processing standards , so the vast majority of cases, this makes Mahina . You can take this to the bank : When the quality of soap nuts (mukorossi variety is very good ) , half an ounce (usually fifty-six , the soap nut or equivalent ) using the traditional (in the wash bag, will work directly with your laundry ) will be held from 4 to 6 load - easy to reuse. Therefore, each half an ounce , which will allow us to load only 256 (320 ) 32 ounces, and the load is only 4 . 30% of the load divided by 256 equals $ 0.127 . We mean the average particle size , the standard load - efficiency is not high load , will expand the use of quantitative , thus further reducing the cost per load . Now, let's run for each load in some of the more famous Please note that all prices have been from a reputable seller , is a typical price , it is easy to find . Similarly, all load soap nuts per load based on the standard price , not his load. I make every effort , in all my calculations and estimates are very conservative and Prada Bags .

